eso ha pasado un 06 Jullo

1809 : French victory at Wagram

On July 6, 1809, French forces won a decisive victory over the Austrian army at Wagram, north of Vienna. French troops had more than 200,000 men and Austrian forces near 160,000. 70,000 soldiers were killed in battle, in just two days.

1885 : Pasteur administered his vaccine against rabies

On July 6, 1885, Pasteur administered his first vaccine against rabies in a human, a 9-year old boy, Joseph Meister, bitten by a rabid dog two days earlier. The boy did not develop the disease.

1942 : The Frank family took refuge in a warehouse

On July 6, 1942, the Frank family took refuge in the company of the father with other people. The younger daughter, Anne, kept a diary of that period which lasted two years until their arrest and the arrest of some of those who hid them. Anne Frank died in 1945 in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp . Her diary was published after the war and is still today a major work, read in many countries around the world.

1967 : Biafra attacked by Nigeria

On July 6, 1967, Nigeria attacked the Biafra province which had declared its independence five weeks earlier. Nigerian forces quickly took advantage and Biafra lost its oil fields. Biafra no longer being able to import food, 1 million of its people died of malnutrition.

2005 : London won the Olympic Games

On July 6, 2005, the International Olympic Committee awarded the 2012 Olympic Games to London.

Actualidad del día : 06 Jullo

Independance Day in the Comoros
July 6 is the Independence Day in the Comoros commemorating the independence of the country gained against France in 1975.
Independance Day in Malawi
July 6 is Independence Day in Malawi, which commemorates the independence of the country gained against the UK in 1964.
Start the festival of San Fermin
July 6, marks the beginning of the festival of San Fermín in Pamplona (Iruña) in Navarre. This festival runs until 14 July and 3 million people attend.
The festivities are immutable and begin on July 6 at the City Hall by a sentence of opening and the launch of the first firecracker. At this point, everyone attaches a red scarf and prepares to celebrate : processions, bull running, bullfight...

Cita del día : 06 Jullo

Anne Frank
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.

Cumpleaños : 06 Jullo

Nicholas I, Emperador de Todas las Rusias (1796)
Marc Bloch, Historiador francés (1886)
Marc Chagall, Pintor ruso-francés (1887)
Hugo Theorell, Bioquímico sueco, Premio Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina (1903)
Frida Kahlo, Pintor mexicana (1907)
Heinrich Harrer, Alpinista austríaco (1912)
Wojciech Jaruzelski, Político polaco (1923)
Bill Haley, Cantante estadounidense (1925)
Janet Leigh, Actriz americana (1927)
Tenzin Gyatso, Decimocuarto Dalai Lama (1935)
Ned Beatty, Actor americano (1937)
Nursultan Nazarbayev, Primero presidente de Kazajstán (1940)
George W. Bush, 43o Presidente de los Estados Unidos (1946)
Fred Dryer, Jugador de fútbol y actor americano (1946)
Sylvester Stallone, Actor y director de cine americano (1946)
Nathalie Baye, Actriz francesa (1948)
Jennifer Saunders, Actriz inglesa (1958)
Isabelle Boulay, Cantante canadiense (1972)
Curtis James Jackson III (50 Cent), Rapper americano (1975)
Caroline Trentini, Top Model brasileña (1987)

Nos han dejado un 06 Jullo

Thomas More, Político, filósofo y humanista inglés (1535)
Antoine Lasalle, General francés (1809)
Guy de Maupassant, Escritor francés (1893)
Odilon Redon, Pintor francés (1916)
William Faulkner, Escritor estadounidense, Premio Nobel de Literatura (1962)
Louis Armstrong, Trompetista de jazz estadounidense (1971)
Otto Klemperer, Conductor alemán (1973)
Jagjivan Ram, Político indio (1986)
János Kádár, Político húngaro (1989)
Roy Rogers, Actor americano (1998)
John Frankenheimer, Director de cine estadounidense (2002)
Claude Simon, Escritor francés, Premio Nobel de Literatura (2005)
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, Novelista estadounidense (2007)
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