è successo un 09 Dicembre

1793 : Il primo quotidiano

Noah Webster published the first newspaper in New York periodical.

1905 : Law separating church and state

On December 9, 1905, after long and virulent debates , the law on the separation between church and state is passed in parliament. It establishes the principle of secularity of the French Republic: "The Republic neither recognizes, nor salaries, nor subsidizes any religion."

1975 : Declaration on the Protection of All Persons against Torture and Other Cruel

Adopted by the UN General Assembly Declaration on the Protection of All Persons against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading.

No State may permit or tolerate torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading exceptional circumstances, such as a state of war or threat of war, internal political instability or any other public exception, can not be invoked to justify himself. As it is proved that an act of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment committed by a public servant or his instigation, the victim is entitled to redress and compensation in accordance with the national legislation.

1990 : Election of Lech Walesa

Lech Walesa was elected president of Poland at the end of universal suffrage.

1992 : Prince Charles and Princess Diana separation

Prince Charles and Princess Diana announce their separation

1998 : PACS

Parliament adopted the Civil Solidarity Pact (PACS) which allows unmarried couples (heterosexual or homosexual) to receive tax benefits or social protection similar to married couples.

2004 : Gay Marriage

The Canadian Supreme Court states that gay marriage is constitutional

Novità del giorno : 09 Dicembre

Tanzania National Day
National day which commemorates the Independence Day 1962
International Anti-Corruption Day

Citazione del giorno : 09 Dicembre

Proverbe chinois
On ne rassasie pas un chameau en le nourrissant à la cuillère.

Compleanni : 09 Dicembre

Fritz Haber, Chimico tedesco, Premio Nobel (1868)
Jean Mermoz, Aviatore francese (1901)
Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Attore americano (1909)
Kirk Douglas, Attore, regista e produttore statunitense (1916)
James Rainwater, Fisico americano, premio Nobel (1917)
William Lipscomb, Chimico americano, premio Nobel (1919)
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Presidente della Repubblica Italiana (1920)
Henry Way Kendall, Fisico americano, premio Nobel (1926)
John Cassavetes, Attore e regista americano (1929)
Judi Dench, Attrice (1934)
Beau Bridges, Attore (1941)
Michael Nouri, Attore (1945)
Sonia Gandhi, politica indiana (1946)
Tom Daschle, Politico americano (1947)
John Malkovich, Attore, regista, sceneggiatore e produttore statunitense (1953)
Emmanuel Carrère, Scrittore, regista e sceneggiatore francese (1957)
Joe Lando, Attore americano (1961)
Felicity Huffman, Attrice (1962)
Paul Landers, chitarrista tedesco (1964)
Bixente Lizarazu, Calciatore francese (1969)
Anna Gavalda, Romanziere francese (1970)
Tre Cool, batterista americano (1972)
Lindsey Evans, Top model americana (1989)

Ci hanno lasciato un 09 Dicembre

Antoine Van Dyck, Pittore (1641)
Léopold Ier, Re dei Belgi (1865)
Ralph Bunche, Diplomatico americano, Nobel per la Pace (1971)
William A. Wellman, Director (1975)
Stan Rice, Pittore americano (2002)
Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed