education / santé Etablissements Scolaires enfants à besoins educatifs spécifiques

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Education / santé : Etablissements Scolaires


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Maison Dauphine, Route de Valensole
Tel +33 (0)4 92 74 33 29

The Olive Tree International School has been developed as a direct and personal response to the difficulty faced by a number of students in International education here in the South of France. Its aims and objectives are:

- To give students with specific learning difficulties the opportunity to learn, develop and succeed in a small school environment designed exclusively around their learning preference and needs.
- To provide a much needed and essential compliment to the range of educational services currently available to the International community in the South of France
- To balance academic progress with the development of self esteem and confidence.
- To foster the values of cooperation, service, commitment and respect.
- To combine specialist expertise, research findings and examples of best practice in International Education to serve the real educational needs of our students.

It is a small specialised school integrating the very best in experiential and brain based learning to meet the educational needs of dyslexic students. A Critical Skills Programme School. Modified British National Curriculum.

The school is located in Quinson in the heart of the Verdon Regional Natural Park just over an hour and a half from Nice.

Places are available on a boarding basis for children aged 11 to 16 years, with a weekly bus service transporting students from the Côte d'Azur, leaving on a Monday morning and returning them on Friday afternoons.

Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed