è successo un 31 Luglio

1715 : 10 Spanish ships filled with gold sank off the coast of Florida

On July 31, 1715, 10 Spanish ships carrying gold and silver, along the east coast of Florida, are caught in a hurricane and sank into the ocean carrying 1,000 sailors with them. Expeditions were successfully carried out in 1716 to recover the gold, but a significant proportion remained on the ocean floor. The latest treasures were found in the 1960s.

1941 : Goering ordered the planning of the Final Solution

On 31 July 1941, following instructions from Hitler, Goering ordered Heydrich and Himmler to plan the elimination of the Jews in Europe (the Final Solution to the Jewish question).

1945 : Pierre Laval arrested in Austria

On July 31, 1945, the head of the Vichy government, Pierre Laval, surrendered to U.S. authorities in Austria where he had fled. He was extradited to France, sentenced to death and executed on October 15, 1945.

1954 : First successful ascent of K2

On July 31, 1954, the Italian climbers Achille Compagnoni and Lino Lacedelli reached the summit of K2, the second highest mountain in the world, on the border between Pakistan and China. The expedition led by Ardito Desio and which included Pakistani Colonel Muhammad Ata-ullah, the young mountaineer Walter Bonatti and the Hunza Pakistani porter Amir Mahdi. The K2 is one of the most difficult and dangerous summits in the world and has never been conquered in winter.

1971 : Apollo 15 and lunar vehicle

On July 31, 1971, astronauts David Scott and James Irwin made ​​the first moonwalk aboard their Lunar Rover, a small all-terrain vehicle.

Citazione del giorno : 31 Luglio

J. K. Rowling
It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

Compleanni : 31 Luglio

John Ericsson, Inventore svedese (1803)
Henri Brisson, Uomo politico francese (1835)
Fred Quimby, Produttore americano (1886)
Fatima Jinnah, Politica pakistana (1893)
Jean Dubuffet, Pittore francese (1901)
Milton Friedman, Economista americano, premio Nobel (1912)
Louis de Funès, Attore francese (1914)
Paul D. Boyer, Chimico statunitense, premio Nobel per la Chimica (1918)
Primo Levi, Chimico e scrittore italiano (1919)
Peter Benenson, Avvocato inglese, fondatore di Amnesty International (1921)
Donald Malarkey, Sottufficiale con Easy Company, 2 ° Battaglione, 506 reggimento di fanteria paracadutisti, 101a Divisione Aviotrasportata, durante la seconda guerra mondiale (1921)
Don Murray, Attore americano (1929)
Susan Flannery, Attrice americana (1939)
Geraldine Chaplin, Attrice americana (1944)
Michael Biehn, Attore americano (1956)
Wesley Snipes, Attore americano (1962)
Jim Corr, Musicista irlandese (The Corrs) (1964)
J. K. Rowling, Scrittrice inglesa (1965)
Dean Cain, Attore americano (1966)
Emilia Fox, Attrice inglese (1974)
Carlos Marchena, Calciatore spagnolo (1979)
Eric Lively, Attore americano (1981)

Ci hanno lasciato un 31 Luglio

Denis Diderot, Filosofo francese (1784)
Andrew Johnson, 17o presidente degli Stati Uniti (1875)
Franz Liszt, Compositore ungherese (1886)
Jean Jaurès, Politico francese (1914)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Pilota e scrittore francese (1944)
Paul-Henri Spaak, Uomo politico belgo (1972)
Joseph E. Levine, Produttore americano (1987)
Virginia Grey, Attrice americanaA (2004)
Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed