Sabato 27 Luglio 2024


Alba 06:19
Tramonto a 20:55

Alba 06:20
Tramonto a 20:54

Differenza :
-2 minutes in meno

Luna piena :
19/08 20:26

luna nuova :
04/08 13:14

9 jours depuis la dernière lune

è successo un 27 Luglio

1794 : Robespierre arrested

On July 27, 1794, the head of the Committee of Public Safety of the National Convention and the instigatorof the Reign of Terror, Maximilien Robespierre was arrested along with his close followers. He was guillotined the following day. During the Terror, 300,000 people were arrested and nearly 30,000 were killed. Robespierre was a leader among the most popular of the French Revolution and a staunch advocate of the people rights prior to violate these rights to get rid of all his opponents when he came to power.

1909 : Orville Wright

On July 27, 1909, Orville Wright beat the world record in an airplane flying 1 hour and 12 minutes with a passenger over a distance of 80 km.

1953 : End of the Korean War

On July 27, 1953, North Korea, China and the United Nations signed the Panmunjom Armistice ending the Korean War. Panmunjom is a village on the border between the two belligerents. South Korea did not sign but pledges to honor the agreement. The agreement provided for the separation of Korea along the 38th parallel where a demilitarized zone is defined.
In fact, after three years of war and nearly 3 million dead, we return to the exact situation as it was before the conflict.

1974 : Vote of the first article of impeachment against Nixon

On July 27, 1974, in the Watergate Scandal, the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted the first article of impeachment against President Nixon for obstructing justice for refusing to provide tape recording which could prove his involvement in an attempt to block investigations for false national security reasons.

2002 : Air show disaster in Ukraine

On July 27, 2002, a Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi Su-27 crashed into the crowd at Sknyliv airfield near Lviv in Ukraine. 77 people were killed and over 500 injured.

Citazione del giorno : 27 Luglio

Maximilien Robespierre
Pity is treason.

Compleanni : 27 Luglio

Thomas Campbell, Poeta scozzese (1777)
Alexandre Dumas, fils, Scrittore francese (1824)
Giosuè Carducci, Poeta italiano, premio Nobel per la letteratura (1835)
Enrique Granados, Compositore catalano (1867)
Hans Fischer, Chimico tedesco, Premio Nobel (1881)
Julien Gracq, Scrittore francese (1910)
Bourvil, Attore e cantante francese (1917)
Jack Higgins, Scrittore inglese (1929)
Don Galloway, Attore americano (1937)
Isabelle Aubret, Cantante francese (1938)
Gary Gygax, Game designer, co-creatore di Dungeons & Dragons (1938)
Pina Bausch, Danzatrice e coreografa tedesca (1940)
Jean-Marie Leblanc, Ciclista francese (1944)
Peggy Fleming, Pattinatore americana (1948)
Robert Rankin, Romanziere britannico (1949)
Christopher Dean, Pattinator inglese (1958)
Julian McMahon, Attore australiano (1968)
Abe Cunningham, Musicista americano (Deftones) (1973)
Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Attore irlandese (1977)
Sidney Govou, Calciatore francese (1979)
Goran Pandev, Calciatore macedone (1983)

Ci hanno lasciato un 27 Luglio

Pierre Louis Maupertuis, Matematico francese (1759)
John Dalton, Chimico e fisico inglese (1844)
Ferruccio Busoni, Pianista italiano (1924)
Richard Aldington, Scrittore francese (1962)
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Scià di Persia (1980)
William Wyler, Regista americano (1981)
James Mason, Attore inglese (1984)
Frank Zamboni, Inventore del rettificatore de ghiaccio (1988)
Leon Wilkeson, Chitarrista americano (Lynyrd Skynyrd) (2001)
Bob Hope, Comico americano (2003)
Youssef Chahine, Regista egiziano (2007)
Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed