It happened one 31 December

1879 : 1ère démonstration de la lampe à incandescence par Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison, inventeur Américain, fait une démonstration de sa lampe à incandescence pour la première fois.

1922 : Création du code de la route Français

Création du code de la route par un décret qui fixe les règles de circulation. Suivra ensuite le permis de conduire et la police de circulation, responsable du trafic et de la verbalisation des dépassements de vitesse qui était fixée à cette époque à 20 km/h en ville.

1958 : L’assurance chômage (ASSEDIC) est instaurée en France

L’assurance chômage (ASSEDIC) est instaurée en France.

1972 : Création de la chaîne FR3

La chaîne de télévision Française FR3 commence à diffuser des émissions.

1999 : Démission du Président Russe Boris Eltsine

En Russie, le Président Boris Eltsine démissionne et nomme comme président par intérim, Vladimir Poutine son premier ministre.

1999 : Le Panama récupère le canal de Panama

Les Etats-Unis cèdent le canal de Panama au Panama en vertu d’un traité signé en 1977.

Quote of the day : 31 December

George C. Marshall
Don't fight the problem, decide it.

Birthdays : 31 December

Matisse, French painter, printmaker and sculptor (1869)
George Marshall, American general, Nobel Peace Prize (1880)
Pola Negri, Polish actress (1894)
Guy Mollet, French politician (1905)
Suzy Delair, French actress and singer (1916)
Siné, French cartoonist (1928)
Anthony Hopkins, American actor (1937)
Ben Kingsley, American actor (1943)
Donna Summer, American singer (1948)
Tom Hamilton, American musician (Aerosmith) (1951)
Jean-Pierre Rives, Rugby player and French sculptor (1952)
Val Kilmer, American actor (1959)
Gong Li, Chinese actress (1965)
Grégory Coupet, French footballer (1972)
Emilie Le Pennec, French gymnast (1987)
Patrick Chan, Canadian figure skater (1990)

They left us one 31 December

Gustave Courbet, French painter (1877)
Léon Gambetta, Lawyer and president of the French Council (1882)
Sophie Daumier, French actress (2003)
Gérard Debreu, French researcher (2004)
Donald Westlake, American novelist (2008)

Tip of the Day : 31 December

Light New Year's Eve

To avoid to feel depressed in January, it is better to have a light and nonetheless gourmand New Year's Eve.
For this, we can avoid the extra calories.
We can begin to take only one celebration meal a day and eat light meals the rest of the day.
We should also limit snacking due to stress or during meal preparation.
We must also keep in regular physical activity during this holiday season.
For an appetizer, we can choose to drink red wine or champagne, less caloric than hard liquor. We can also replace traditional canapés with cut raw vegetables, accompanied by white cheese sauce.
During the meal, if there are many different courses, we should have small dishes and select a service to the plate instead of leaving the dishes on the table, leading to refill.
All this does not prevent to enjoy all the delicacies of this period of sharing with family and friends.

* Warning

Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed