photo Belvedere

Belvedere (06450)

photo Belvedere

Belvedere (06450)

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photo Belvedere

Belvedere (06450)

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photo Belvedere

Belvedere (06450)

photo Belvedere

Belvedere (06450)

photo Belvedere

Belvedere (06450)

photo Belvedere

Belvedere (06450)

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tourist information

Information on the cities of Côte d'Azur Belvedere - Tourism Alpes Maritimes Côte d'Azur
It is a very old village in the valley of Vésubie located in the Parc du Mercantour.
You can make a quick stop when you go into the Gordolasque valley, magnificent site for hiking, climbing and see animals in the mountains.
Anecdote: a scene from the movie "Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez" was shot in Belvedere, the village where Ludovic Cruchot was in office before his transfer to Saint-Tropez.
City hall of Belvédère

Maire de Belvédère (canton de Roquebillière) : Monsieur BURRO Paul.
City population : 502 inhabitants.
Contact information :
Place du Colonel Baldoni, 06450 BELVéDèRE
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Contact the Belvédère city hall

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